Family Law in British Columbia
Website maintained by the Legal Services Society, providing information on separation, divorce, child support, division of property, and parenting.
Area of Law: Family Law
Type: Legal Resource
Website maintained by the Legal Services Society, providing information on separation, divorce, child support, division of property, and parenting.
Website offers information relating to the law, processes, and services that make up family law in Nova Scotia. This website will help you understand your family law issue and will provide the tools to allow you to navigate the options available to help solve your problem.
The Legal Services Board of Nunavut (LSB) was incorporated in July 2000. As the territory’s legal aid plan, LSB is responsible for providing legal services to financially eligible Nunavummiut in the areas of criminal, family and civil law.
Information about domestic violence and how the legal system treats offenders. This resource also provides access to resources for victims.
The Ministry of Justice operates the Family Law Information Centre and Support Variation Project to help individuals obtain assistance in dealing with their family law matters.