One of the most difficult tasks for any individual faced with a legal need is finding the right resources. Just type your problem into Google and you’ll be faced with a barrage of legal services, websites, apps, directories, lawyers and more, all offering help for your particular problem. Wading through all that information can be… Read more »
Samuel Michaels is the founder of Canada Legal Help. He writes on topics including access to justice, legal service provision, and legal system innovation. Samuel is a J.D. student at Osgoode Hall Law School. Last week, I took a stab at some of the most fundamental issues with the legal system. My, admittedly… Read more »
Samuel Michaels is the founder of Canada Legal Help. He writes on topics including access to justice, legal service provision, and legal system innovation. Samuel is a J.D. student at Osgoode Hall Law School. I have a secret to let you in on. It’s the elephant in the room that, I’m fairly certain,… Read more »
Originally posted on The Supreme Court of Canada, in BC v Christie, provided the foundation upon which the definition for the phrase ‘access to justice’ has been built. In that case, BC lawyer Dugald Christie argued that taxation on legal services unfairly restricted access to the legal system contrary to Canadians’ Constitutional… Read more »
Samuel Michaels is the founder of Canada Legal Help. He writes on topics including access to justice, legal service provision, and legal system innovation. Samuel is a J.D. student at Osgoode Hall Law School. As many of us know, legal problems often compound. They begin with the other party: the person who harmed… Read more »
There’s a question I see often repeated in forums, social media posts, and blogs. It’s a request for a few minutes of legal advice, just one quick question, or a tip about a legal situation. Unfortunately, given all the rules and laws that govern lawyers’ actions, it is nearly impossible to offer these services for… Read more »
Samuel Michaels is the founder of Canada Legal Help. He writes on topics including access to justice, legal service provision, and legal system innovation. Samuel is a J.D. student at Osgoode Hall Law School. If you’ve ever been to 47 Sheppard Avenue East, you’ll know the point of this article well before I… Read more »